Urgent: Nobel Peace Price Invention: For Peace, Life and Be Happy!

Nobel Peace Price Invention: For Peace, Life and Be Happy!

Nato says about itself, it is a self defense community.

For that, they have the commitment to invest 2 per cent od money income for systemic peace investments in the long run.

So far at the moment, the investment sum goes to Self Defense 1.0 – with production of weapons that kill and use it for defense.

(But to use money for producing weapons that produce killing – for example machine guns that produce one kill per second – is produce a factories that produce machines that produce machine guns that are serial killers.

OK Leave this explanation out of the text, if to direct and offending.

Sorry to make you a slightly uncomfortable sad feeling of shame, I want to understand your true need and invent a even better system!)

Self defense System 2.0 would be slightly different and signicantly better:
We can save and win and benefit by invest in peaceful self defense that are safe lifes rather than kill, such as fences walls, bunkers, stable housing, also earthquake and weather secure and safe, with bunker garage for Volkswagen caravan with integrated kitchen, livingroom and bathroom and storage for all life supporting system.

For example shaping landscape for peace and defense – such as rivers, and hills, and walls and fences if necessary, or betterr, to not block the touristic sight andpassing, build Blocks of concrete in the landscape to stop war tanks entering or going forward in our country.

Then we can invest in societal system change for peace and happiness and economic common wealth like language learning, school exchange with political neighbours of conflicting countries for example, and turn chaos into chance and war and armed to sportive competition for example friendship soccer games or Olympic games, and economic collaboration!

A good, fair amount of the state peace, safety and defense investment for example of NATO should go into Systematic Research and evolution of Peace and Defense Practices, Societal Technique and noble Technologywith zero kills and light karma, —

and on the otherhand Invest in International Schools and Universities that educate Diplomats for realtime, emergency negotiations to solve conflicts like firebrigade: sitting on hold and beingready for flying out to action, as „Diplomats sans frontieres“ or so; train while waiting, learn from existing problems to design systemic lasting change for societies to prevent further conflict, manufacturing peace policies, multilateral peace contracts for just, peaceful economic collaboration for benefit and wealth for all!


Just for to know: for all Cornelites out there, that co create culture for happiness for all,

Eliant, campact, change.org, Diplomats and Politicians, we can do Pacifist Cornelitic Diplomatty 2.0 and overtake Lobbyism by checking all what they do and leanr all what makes them succesful and do combine our working with their sucess and make the same with zero kill and happiness for all with fair play!

For example; serious Politicians that neither want to be tyranns, nor just sit in power without Mission for a better world, often want to serve the whole country and all citizens, even beyond their own voter groups. For those it is every day life to be pressured around with wrong informations what we call bohemian villages (king hears the country starves and has no money to renovate houses. And announces to travel the country to study the needs. So instead of helping to help, the president was taken on tour, but before cleared the street and build a street of theatre, quickly build fassade of noble houses and actors agent provocateurs that played happy country or bash and speak up wrong feed back and requests.)

They are often trapped in agents payed by some kind ofrich enemies,… and cannot help the country alone.

We can do it better:

1. Positive, proactive public SUPPORTIVE pressure as

2. Petitions to tell the true situation, information, need and quest and pledge,

3. Policy, that is a draft of a law to make it better, and co create and realize a monument for eternal everlasting life

and 4. Plan: a screen play for the politician to be the producer or director of history to conduct the step to tśtep improvisation of Implementation of the Policy or law or plan.

5. Personal Support. Prayer and Security and more!!!

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