Best creation

In the next 21 years or soThe coming generations
Still grow up
And learn.

In this time
We can still
In a humanistic
And saint way
That is loyal to
God the creator
And wise
The So called
Unique event
That evolution
Not only in spirit
And biology
But also Goes on in robots
And calculators.

We can still create the parameters
And the laws
And Programs
That are hardwired into robots!
But we can do that only
So good as we are good yourselves!

So we can
Create a school for all our children
That is converted wisdom
And integrated sciences
From all the world.

For example
We can take Waldorf education
And take it to the next level
With art and tecknae
And economy

And we can take montesory
And wald forest Kindergarten
And we can take jesuitic gymnasiums

And humanist schools
And we can take crown Prince education
Maybe King Charles would be pleased to share some or create a school

Or we could take Harvard and people’s iniversity

And online learning blended with hubs with peer to peer mentoring ocally

And prepare them
And us

And to cocreate
The best version of humanity
Life on earth
And noble aestethic technology
That is possible.

Yes we can!
So be it.

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